I knew it as soon as it happened. I had been traveling the low water at the South Toe's headwaters. working my way upstream. Caught a couple of fish as I'm working my way up. When it happened I knew it was not good. It was a small step onto another rock that went sideways. Right foot, toe landed first then slipped to the left just as I was transferring all my weight onto it. I was committed and down I went, with my right distal end of my Fibula on the lateral side taking the brunt of the weight.
I was hoping for a sprain, but I suspected it was much worse.
I checked the different axis movement of my foot, all good there. Up / down, left / right, tilt left / tilt right, ligaments appeared ok. Sprain ??? hummm not so much.
I was on the far side of the river (large stream really) and needed to wade back over then go up the bank and to the gravel road about 100' away. OK, did that. Pain not too bad, but that was the easy part.
The gravel road is a forest service road that just happened to be open today and I had walked down about 1 mile of it. I had seen some cars use it today, so I hoped I could get a ride back to the trailhead. I walked about 1-1/2 blocks until a car was driving down. I stood in the road flagging them to stop. I made them stop. There where nice and I got in with a mask on and the window down.
The drive back home with interesting as it was my right foot that was hurt. I planned my breaking way ahead the whole 50minute drive back.
I called Bobbie 15minutes out and asked her to meet me at the medical clinic in Mars Hill. You never want to get calls like this!
The x-rays showed the image above. The good news was no soft tissue damage done and it was just the Fibula was fractured. The bad news was it was in the Weber Zone B which means surgery would be required if the Fibula was not stable. I was referred to an Orthopedic doctor for evaluation. Fun times.The next morning we saw Doctor King and got the final diagnosis. The bone is stable and only a "boot" and no walking for 2 weeks, then a walking boot for an additional 4-6 weeks after that.
Happy days, no surgery, just a pain getting around the house for a while (a long while). Bummer it's my right foot as driving is kinda out of the question but hey, driving is over rated anyway and Bobbie is nice to me.
So no more fishing for a few months. Or hiking, or ????
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