It’s easy to get lost in your job. You spend all day with people all day that are chosen for you and perform tasks that you may or may not feel are worthwhile efforts. Anything that you do for most of your waking hours has got to take a toll on how you think, act and interact with the world. But is it you? Perspective is hard to have when you only get to see one side of an issue. Since I had left (thank goodness I was able to) the regular working life, I’ve been able to gain some “perspective” on work, my last position and what was occurring where I had worked. There are people that are self destructive, but have you seen this in a company? It’s not so much the “company” but the people that make up the company, with each thinking they are doing the right thing, but each in their own way, chipping away are respect, trustworthiness, all the while moving further and further away from “success” and closer to a failure cliff. When I was making my own plan...