When I had a regular job (like 40/hr week, software engineering), my job was the over riding factor in my life. It dictated when I got up, got home and what I did with most of my time. So when I quit, my life changed quite a bit to say the least.
Some people have a single over riding “thing” in their life. Good for them, I do not. But what I’ve found out is that I have a bunch of little things in my life that can change over time. I have or had:
Some people have a single over riding “thing” in their life. Good for them, I do not. But what I’ve found out is that I have a bunch of little things in my life that can change over time. I have or had:
- Construction around the house (Bobbie tells me what to build)
- Hiking (local with Bobbie, myself or Friends)
- AT Hiking (This is NOT the same as local hiking and can involve longer distances 12+ / day) that does require driving a while to get to the next AT section).
- Fly Fishing (Some local for a a couple of hours or distance for most of the day).
- Video editing / creation (either in iMovie or Final Cut Pro).
- Drawing (mostly ink pen with watercolors).
- River Kayak / Tubing (summer time)
- Art movies (there are 2 art movie theaters in Asheville).
- Baking (half for myself and half for others. Breads, Pies, Cookies).
- Reading (Books, and magazines)
- Some tech stuff (Swift, Blockchain, AI, etc. Just keeping up)
- Bike riding
- Travel (once we don’t have to worry about our old dog 14+ years).
- Local Travel (2-3 days away).
I’ve been a goal person, but this has been changing to a “journey” thing, as life is a journey and not a goal. If I work on something now, I can leave it and pick it up later. No (well almost no) timelines for what I’m doing. This is OK.
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