I did it again, I broke a part of my body again this year. Last year I broke my ankle fly fishing and that took a chunk of time out of my walking life. Well, this year I broke my shoulder (fly fishing again) and that has taken a chunk of my "art" life (right shoulder of course).
Broken ankles can heal slowly but they do heal and you can get on with your life. Broken shoulders also take a while to heal, BUT, big BUT here, the rehab to get your shoulder back to where it needs to be (movement, etc), is vastly different. They mostly do NOT do surgery for a broken shoulder unless there are lots of pieces and / or those pieces are moving around. So no surgery for either of my breaks but with shoulders the repercussions of not moving this complex joint much causes the much longer recovery time and rehab work.
It's the impact force that fractures the Humerus bone that gets transmitted into the shoulder joint and causes trauma to the soft tissue that's the real issue. I'm pretty lucky (expect for the break to begin with) in that since I've started rehab, my range of motion is doing pretty well. I still have more to get but thus far no roadblocks to full (hoping) recovery.
During my recovery, I've been using my left arm / hand for day to day activities, including any art I've been trying. Here are two drawing I've done with my left hand. Not too bad but I'm going back to my right ASAP.
My falls and resulting breaks where the result of high-force impacts that I'm not changing my behavior to minimize (my goal is zero falls now) these occurring again. It's one of those things where when you are younger you can risk hiking / fishing is specific spots as your bones are young and then to bend and bounce rather than break. I have strong bones as these where not low-force impacts that would indicate a density issue but wham-bam impacts that could take your breath away and search for the nearest ortho-clinic.
We live and learn, but sometimes only after a few lessons.
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