The healing in my arm has gone very well, even though it seems glacial at the time. After 8 weeks my sling is off and I can start using my right arm for "most" things. I say most because the strength of my upper muscles is quite low from no usage. Draw require very little usage of the upper muscles so back to drawing with my right. Here is the first drawing Post-Sling. It's of an old mine building on the Park City Mountain Resort. I took a photo of it last summer when I was out there working on the yard / house in-between tenants. Here is the photo of it from which the drawing was taken from. Yeah it's the same but different and everything is a bit off. Hey, that's the way I roll on my drawings. The ink + markers let the objects standout and show themselves rather boldly. I've got a number of other mine photos to draw and I'm also looking at using some different paper to see what effect it has on the result. Always tweaking and making adju...
Just some random (isn't it all) thoughts and doings in my life.