Maybe it's the summertime or the weather or whatever, but sometimes the days just go by without thinking. I suppose that's the way it should be (?) I make little lists for things that I need to do for the next day or so. Not a log or task tracking, just a wee bit of paper with some items on it that I feel good about lining out. Got a bunch of things crossed off this week.
None of the items where fishing!
It rained a few days ago so the creeks and streams will be running high and silty for a few more days. No fishing in these conditions.
Even got a drawing done that I wanted to do. What I did not get done is some watercolors. It keeps getting put on my list but never seems to get lined out. I'll get back to it one day. Just need to be in the right mind set.
It's not that we don't have plans, we do, but it's the time in-between plans that is the "Just Living". Bought some new books on Amazon, ordered an inflatable Kayak from Amazon, waiting for our passports to be renewed and fixing things around our house.
Just living.
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