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Showing posts from February, 2021

Going Feral

Well, not me going feral but many of the barns in the area that have gone feral and headed back to the land. Their time has come and gone and they stopped getting love by the landowners as their purpose has long passed.  When tobacco was stopped being grown in the area, these barns lost their purpose.  Being open slat barns for ventilation, they where never meant to keeping the weather out.  Some like this barn was build on a weak foundation of a prior log bar whose beams have rotted and collapsed into the ground.   Most of these barns never had a foundation except for a few rocks laying around.  Not stable enough for the cold freezes of winter and thaws of springs.  No built to last but built for a time that no longer exists.   Catch them while they still stand. 

Winter In The South

Here is a quick watercolor Marker painting done of a Cotton Gin in AL (I think) I friend took a photo of it and this painting is based on Andy's photo.  I did it using Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers (and water brush pen) to try them out.  Interesting feel to them, but you need to check them with your specific paper as some act as if it stains and you won't be able to work the color once you lay it down. This first one is a marker study of the photo. This second one is the watercolor marker painting of the same photo. I like the feel of this painting.  The building size has changed, the colors, tilting and everything.  Almost a spooky bit to it, which an old cotton gin in the south in winter could have. Anyway, enjoy...

Raining Today

 If it's raining, I must be doing artwork.  Well, not all the time.   This last week we where down a car as my cars starting was going out.  It started with a single "click" and no start, then later it got to be "click", "click", "click" before my car would start.  Only a matter of time before it would be "click"s all the way down.  It was a bit of a wakeup call to have to schedule my travel with Bobbie and Bobbie being priority.  Only latest a few days till I could get my starter replaced, but still a wakeup call. Back to Barns. Here is my latest barn drawing.  I've gotten very used to doing these and have been enjoying them.  It takes about 2.5 hrs to complete a single one with a short break while doing them. My comfort level is getting high in creating these, but now I need to work on other styles as well. On my watercolor that I did for my brothers friend, I did the painting but it was not "right" and felt very unf...

Watching The Sausage Being Made

 I was doing a study drawing for a client (yes, that is exciting) and I thought that I would do a time elapse video of this process.  It turned out very well.  Very cool.  I did not do the same for the creation of the watercolor because the stress would be too much for me. Here is an image of the finished product and below this is the final watercolor painting. It's hard to explain to people how something is made until you can show a video of the complete process.  Looks easy, but it's a long road to get here.   Enjoy

Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers and Paper Type

Well, your mileage may very is the saying. I've got some Winsor & Newton watercolor markers and been using them on regular paper (Canson) and life is good.  Then I bought some nice Fabriano (from Italy no less) and that was good too, just not with the markers.  Maybe it's the sizing or the higher cotton content, but the markers appear to stain and penetrate the fibers a bit too fast.  So fast that you don't have time to work or lighten the pigment.   I created a video that shows this issue.  Just an FYI.