Well it appears that I have entered my “Barn” period. I’ve done a number of them and I think I have many more of them before I’m through. Working out the different tweaks for the style on them.
This is an 8x10 ink + value marker drawing.
It’s hard each time I start one because once I put the pen and markers down on the paper, the mark is there for good.
I do not trace these. I draw each one by hand from a photo I’ve taken. Not everything in the picture is just like the photo. I need to clean things up to get the picture right and somethings I avoid because they are too hard for me right now. Simple goes a long way.
No pressured at all. So when do you know when to quite? For me, I stop and think it’s done but always end up adding a little bit more to finish it off. Even now I fight the urge to tweak them a little bit more, but I resist because, what’s done is done and I can only mess it up. But the whole no eraser thing is big mental issue. Yes, I flub up spots but hey it just makes it look even more artsy. Or so I tell myself.
Anyway, enjoy.
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