Just finished my second watercolor class that Bobbie bought for me. It was a class handled through the art supply company www.cheapjoes.com which is a great place to buy art supplies for really good prices. They have 3 stores in Western North Carolina and are based out of Boone, NC. Joe Miller (owner / artist) has a great store of how he started it all. Back to the class. It was hosted on Zoom, was moderate in cost ( couple of hundred bucks), lasted 3 days with 3-1/2 hours / day. Went very well, no technical hitches and was chock full of information and examples. I got a lot out of it. I put a lot of stress on myself on classes. It may come from decades of being a software engineer and getting things done fast and working. I'm all about no stress now but the self pressure to do a new watercolor painting using colors, subject, etc. that I've not done before was tough. My first go was on the wrong track so I canned it, but then h...
Just some random (isn't it all) thoughts and doings in my life.