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It's Been a Year

Yes, It's Been a Year.  Time just flies by.

So is it just me or is everybody getting hit by head hunters these days?  With the Utah unemployment rate of ~3% and the rate for UI/Web engineers approaching zero, no wonder they are all calling.  It feels like a fishing hole where the whole of the lake is ringed with fisherman, all after the same few fish.

I place this onto my luck of picking the right fields (or them picking me) and right directions. Gotta stay with the times.  The tech keeps moving and the Web tech is really moving.  It's hard to know what to skip and when to jump on the train.  There where many times I've felt that I had already missed the boat, only to see many of those boats sink with failed adoption or direction.  The server side page creation has peaked.  RoR was to be a saviour, only to be the last of the great steamers in the age of planes.  Moving on....

You could see the beginning of the transition when the iPhone was released and browsers got much needed attention.  Not right away, but the need to develop SPA (Single Page Apps) was born, as learning the iOS development system was pretty darn steep.  There where so many dead ends and false starts then.  The need was there, but the talent, direction and tools had a long way to go.  There was lots of belief then, just a wee bit too early.  Then, the focus was on using SPA's for mobile.

But SPA's are not just for mobile they are for Applications, full blown business, consumer, type applications, and application are everywhere.  The main issue left is who will write them?

It appears it's kind of a mix between Web Developers that can expand into the application world and Non-Web application engineers that move into the Web.   This appears to be the sweet spot and what companies are looking for.

It's an interesting field again.


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