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Not In Your Face (except this time)

You may be asking yourself where are the Buddhist teachings in my posts?  Well, I try to hide them in my topics but I don't want to be in your face as well.  The reason for my posts are not to teach you how to be a Buddhist software engineer, but how I've faced software engineering.  Which means facing myself, warts, insights, relationships and all.

Here is the "in your face" part: A good understanding of Buddhism can be found at to start with.  There are so many books and web sites that you can explore that are only a Google away.  The good step to understand Buddhism is The Four Noble Truths and I have found this to be so key to my life.  Don't just read the Wikipedia page, please get a book by the Dala Lama on Amazon (or any of his books), read it and see how it relates to your life and maybe, to your philosophy of software development. 

This is one of the questions I like to ask prospective new hires, "What is your philosophy on software development?".  There is no right answer but it may provide insight into how the person will fit into your project.

Now to drift onward.  I'll be in Nashville this next week at the Southern Festival of Books fair.  I hope to return with some interesting photos and topics.


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