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Showing posts from October, 2024

Still Life

 Life is never still, at least I don't think you would want it to be.  That's why so many of us (i.e., retired care free people) travel.  Keep seeing new things and places.   Well the Hurricane so far inland was a new thing and one I would have rather forgone but life is what happens.  Life keeps moving. Except a still life is forever and captures a slice of time frozen in a painting.  This is from a wooden bowl of pears onboard our ship during dinner one nice.  Again, just thought it looked nice. Enjoy.

A Trip Abroad

 Just back from our trip abroad as Asheville continues to recover from the hurricane.  This trip has been planned for a long time and we almost didn't make it because our dog sitting business will be closed for a while. But make it we did and now we are back. We love Amsterdam.  What a fun place to visit.  So many things to too and do there.  The weather was not the best but it did not have an impact on our visit.  Just bundle up. Got some quick painting in while on the boat (i.e., Viking) as we moved from port to port.  This painting is of a garden at a heritage site of windmills.  I thought it looked nice. Nice time on the trip to de-stress from what was happing back home.  We were fine back home but not everything is well with many others.