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Showing posts from August, 2015

Read This Book & Failure, What Failure?

A Book I picked up Austin Kleon's latest book "Show Your Work" .  It's such a great book for those that are creative, would like to be creative and those looking to expand their options.  Wrapped in a wonderful compact and easy to read format, "Show Your Work" outlines and explains the steps to be more open and how to grow. These lessons are how to grow your self and what to avoid (vampires, you know who they are).   It's cheap and well worth the read. Failure? We (aka I) try to minimize failure, but this got me thinking.  Maybe it's not failure or success that, I kind of, track in the back of my mind.  It's all learning that I want and the heck with with works or fails (at least the first 50 rounds).  I was watching a show on the "Code Camps" and a reporting learning some basic JS code.  The teacher prepped the reported that they might try an operation 50 times before understanding the correct usage of a function.  Yeah, that...