OK, I do like simple pleasures in life. Especially if there is a connection to helping others. There are a number of business models that combine a product that everyone needs with also providing benefit to those that may need it. Businesses like Tom Shoes , Harry's and Warby Parker have created a business model with a goal of helping others. I had heard about these companies but had not ordered from them till lately. My first order was with Harry's where I bought a "Truman" version of their razor. I got it this week and gave it a go. OMG was it nice (this is where the simple pleasure came in). After decades of using electric and then cheapo razors, I did not know what a real nice shave was like. I enjoyed it and I felt good about ordering from the company. Other companies could learn from how there packaging is done. Very nice, personal and clear. A pleasure. Moving on to Warby Parker for new glasses. It's been...
Just some random (isn't it all) thoughts and doings in my life.