I've been busy doing things for a while. It can seem that being busy and being productive are the same things. But my definition of "productive" has changed of late. Productive in what sense? I fight my mind for which direction I should be going, want to go or am going. All do not lead to happiness. As of late, programming / designing as not been my happiness trail. I'm sure it will be later, but my needs now are on a different path. It being spring may be the motivator for this, but doing little jobs around the house, painting, performing fixes on my neglected car "rattles" and getting the garden ready has brought me pleasant rewards. Sometimes you just need a break from all the media in our lives. The quick sound bites, images and headlines that never truly satisfy. In no field is this more true than in the software field. So much information, ideas and products that are just out of reach, for now. Time and energy can...
Just some random (isn't it all) thoughts and doings in my life.