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Showing posts from November, 2012

What is a Sweat Shop?

Lately there have been a number of posts on  about older (40+) software developers or the half life of software developers. I don't use the term software engineers because the majority of younger workers in the software field have not yet gain enough experience and wisdom to be able to consistently and predictable design, plan and implement complex software project without a lot of re-design and refactoring along the way.   Being a bridge engineer does not afford the re-building of a bridge 2 or more times before getting it right.  The same principal also applies to software engineers. Back to the Slashdot articles.  My though on the comments of the half life of software developers only be 15 years is what the company is using their staff for.  If you are interesting in keeping wages down, have only simple to moderately complex projects, use 100's of staff (in this case 4,500) and expect them to not have a life outside of work, then yes, the h...