There are so many catch phrases used in our (every) profession that are accepted as truth, that I would explore a couple of them. They are: - Re-writes never work. - Fast, Easy, Quick. Pick 2. These phrases are used more to support a preexisting position of the programming staff than reflecting any real truth. They are tools of propaganda and mis-information that are pulled out once in a while to guide decisions to a pre-determined goal. While experience may have proved these statements to be to true, they must be looked at in context and the amount to sampling to achieve these so called truths. For those only having 5-10 years of programming experience behind them, the occurrences of major re-writes and FEQ (Fast, Easy, Quick) decisions may be limited. Re-writes of a major product are not that frequent or a product would never get released and provide the business with time to recoup it's investment. Likewise with the repercussions of FEQ decisio...
Just some random (isn't it all) thoughts and doings in my life.